Present and Future Video Game Technology

Future Technology

Present and Future Video Game Technology

In this new age of technoligy its unuviodible that people want something more realistic. So this year the all new VR (Virtual Reality) has been released. What this new technology does is makes the video game seem like its putting you in real life scenarios. Now you may be wondering wwhere would you do this? How would you not hit a wall? Well when you are wearing this technology if you get too close to a wall the goggles will notify you. Now this may break the reality of the experience, be honest. What ruins the experience more? Hitting a wall or getting a notification?

The new VR can partialy support Alien: Isolation on Windows. It can also run Stranded Deep Alpha on Windows. The VR Includes a lot more games aswell as features! Some of these features allow you to download new games which are so advanced that you can even use this to practice surgery for medical school. The only downside to this sytem is the price. The VR itself is around eight hundred dollars. But you also need to have a computer that can run it. The computer would cost around two thousand dollars.